Pro.2 USB3.0 Mech Insert to suit Clipsal Plate


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Flexible USB3.0 Insert to suit Clipsal blank modular wall plates. Ideal for tight spaces in wall cavities, or where cable approach makes it difficult or impossible to connect to socket. Allows cable to move and hang in its natural position without pulling out or putting unwanted pressure on the wall plate or socket.

  • Gold plated connectors
  • Approx 10cm lead
  • Flat lead for maximum flexibility

    About USB 3.0

    USB 3.0 allows transfer rates up to 4.8 Gbps – that's 10x the speed of USB 2.0. It also provides up to 900mA power supply instead of the 500mA from USB 2.0

    While USB 2.0 cables are compatible with USB 3.0 ports on your computer, you won't achieve the SuperSpeed, error-free data transfer acheivable with USB 3.0 certified cables.