Klaxon Mini Mono P Motorised Siren



Klaxon Logo - BNR Industrial

Discontinued, some remaining stock avaliable but no longer in production, alternative replacement: Klaxon Sonos

103dB Mini Motorised Siren

The Mini Mono P is a small motor driven siren designed for fire and general alarm signalling.

Designed for ease of mounting, it has a separate mounting plate which connects to the main body with a bayonet locking action and has a locking screw for additional security.

The mounting plate is suitable for surface mounting or for use with a conduit (BESA) box depending on installation requirements.


  • High quality siren sound
  • Bayonet mounting plate for ease of installation
  • Low voltage DC, 24VDC 500mA or High Voltage AC, 110/240VAC 130/90mA
  • IP44
  • Countinuous Rating
  • 1000hz Fequency
  • Operating Temp: -30ºC to +55ºC